Step 3 - Your Proposal

Please review the following requirements and attach necessary documents before submitting your application.


Please include the following documents and upload a single .zip file.

  • A proposal, in 6 pages or less, that includes the following:
    • Your mission and an overview of the organization's programs
    • A description of the project you are seeking funding for, including:
      • Overview
      • How this project fits your mission and the Schmidt Foundation's mission
      • Grant goals (short-, intermediate-, and long-term)
      • Implemention plan to achieve the goals
      • Expected impact on the community (what will change as a result of the project?)
      • How you will document and measure (evaluate) wahtever changes occurs.
    • Partners in the community that are also working on the same issues, and how you are coordinating with them.
    • The plan for securing funding beyond the grant period.
  • List of principal staff that will be working on the program/project and their qualifications;
  • List of other funding sources for this project, showing anticipated amounts funded.
  • Financial statements, to include:
    • Your organization's current operating budget
    • The project's budget
    • Most recent income and expense sheet
    • Most recent balance sheet
    • Only if applying online - Most recent Form 990
  • A copy of the IRS letter determining 501(c)(3) nonprofit status (only required if this is your first application to the foundation)

Click here or drag to select a .zip file
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